Adam Ash

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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Warning to U.S. from 2nd richest man in world

Warren Buffett said in the last 10 years foreign powers and their citizens had accrued about $3-trillion worth of US debt and assets such as equities and real estate. At current rates, he predicted that in another 10 years' time the net ownership of the US by outsiders would amount to $11-trillion. "This annual royalty paid to the world would undoubtedly produce significant political unrest in the US. Americans would chafe at the idea of perpetually paying tribute to their creditors and owners abroad. A country that is now aspiring to an 'ownership society' will not find happiness in -- and I'll use hyperbole here for emphasis -- a 'sharecropper's society'." More here for us new slaves of China. Odd that the best coverage of this story comes from South Africa. Paul Krugman, writing about the new bankruptcy bill (designed by credit card companies and the GOP to protect rich people and hammer the middle-class) says "I think the right term is a 'debt peonage' society - after the system, prevalent in the post-Civil War South, in which debtors were forced to work for their creditors. The bankruptcy bill won't get us back to those bad old days all by itself, but it's a significant step in that direction." I think the right term might be the "you're getting fucked" society.


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