Adam Ash

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Here's a French way of saying Bush is a fuckhead

Christmas Bush (from Le Canard enchaîné)

 The President of the United States has publicly acknowledged it. He personally authorized the secret services to practice wiretapping outside any legal framework. George Doubleyou explained that he used his military powers for the sacred cause of defending America against terrorism.

    In the end, it's only one little infraction more. There was the trifle of the Abu Ghraib prison, where American soldiers defended the free world with cudgels and humiliations. The Guantánamo prison, where prisoners without rights, lawyers, judges, etc., are sequestered, is also necessary for safeguarding America's security. As are the kidnappings of presumed terrorists - with a few cases of mistaken identity, but anyone can be wrong sometimes - said subjects to be schlepped around by the CIA, outside of any oversight, to secret prisons equipped for extremely refined interrogations.

    The USA must defend the West against barbarians, Good against Evil. And should a country prove to use illegal eavesdropping, torture, humiliation, uncontrolled imprisonment, we can trust Bush. He'd attack it without hesitation.


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