Adam Ash

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Friday, July 22, 2005

Judith Miller no poster-child for journalist ethics

There's some kind of poetic justice in Judith Miller sitting in jail over the Rovegate affair. This was the journalist who supported the Bush & Co case for going to war, by saying Saddam had WMD. She helped Bush, Chalabi and others lie and deceive us into war. She was a low-down shill for the Administration, a bad-to-the-bone journalist, the shittiest example of the worst journalism of the last two decades. Remember how the Times apologized for taking the Bush Administration at its word? They were essentially apologizing for Miller's "reporting." Now she is in jail not because she's nobly protecting a whistleblower, but because she's protecting a SOB like Rove or Libby who lied us into the war, assuring them they can rely on her to keep trotting out their BS for them when she gets out of jail. She deserves to be in jail. I hope Fitzgerald pursues Rove & Libby with the same results.


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