Aunt Twisty has a boob scooped out in masectomy
But this brilliant gal who blogs at I Blame The Patriarchy hasn't lost her sense of humor. Read this advice before you go over to her site and see what a uniboob woman looks like right after the op. Truth in advertising: steel yourself, the photo is kinda gory. Anyway, here's a Twisty story:
Meet Your Anesthesiologist Ahead Of Time:
I rashly declined this option, assuming for no good reason that she would be the same nice, intelligent girl from last week's biopsy, who'd gotten me under without a hitch. So when the anesthesiologist turned out, to my intense surprise and mounting disappointment, to be an octogenarian with gin blossoms, a dark unease crept over me. Nothing against old drunk guys, but from the patient's perspective, anesthesiology is a poor career choice for them. Mine was a world class chump. After stabbing me twice in the back of the hand to jab my IV thing in, taping it at a painful angle, and finishing with a condescending pat, he caught his foot, upon his doddering exit from my midst, on the tube, and yanked the whole thing out, causing to arc across the room a dramatic jet of my personal blood. I do not remember his first name, but his last name is Eden, ha, and my advice to my fellow Austinites is this: if you see an ancient incompetent alkie with a large purple nose coming at you with a gas mask, flee.
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