Adam Ash

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Monday, October 17, 2005

Essential world politics: bash Bush, push Hillary in Biggest Woman Power Cause Ever

On my blog, I devote regular space to bashing Bush (though I also cover books, sex, laughs, and philosophical thoughts).

Why? He drives me crazy, because in my view, he represents the worst of America: morally dubious because he covertly backs torture, socially suspect because he favors the rich and ignores the poor, economically unsound because he's a borrow-and-spend profligate who's made America the world's biggest debtor nation, politically twisted because he's ideologically and religiously driven instead of practically minded, and personally abhorrent because he does not appear to be a man of any culture, smears his opponents underhandedly, and wears that smug, self-entitled rich-boy smirk ... and it's a shame that someone who represents the worst should be up there representing ALL of us.

In the eyes of the world, Bush makes me ashamed of being an American. I would like the world, and me, to be proud of America again. I bash him to help ensure that his like will never get to such a high position again. I think he is spoiling the path for his like already, thank God (at 38%, his job approval rating is lower than Clinton's during the Lewinsky scandal). It's not a matter of party politics either: think how different America would've been if a Republican like McCain had been president instead of the Incompetent Chimp. All politics is not only local; it's personal.


Increasingly, my blog is going to turn its politics into another direction: pushing Hillary for president. Not because of politics either, but because of who she is. Of course, she's a very shrewd political operator and opportunist of the first water, yet I could give a shit that the left will call her a sell-out and the right a dangerous liberal.

In fact, her politics is not why I want her to be president. I want her to be president for one reason only: because she's a woman.

I believe the oppression of women is still, and has always been, the #1 problem in the world, because it's this problem that causes the other #1 problem in the world: poverty. If women weren't oppressed, poverty would begin to vanish.

So my blog will be pushing Hillary simply because she is a woman. If the leader of the world were a woman, things would change in fundamental ways we cannot yet foresee. Germany, the #3 economic power after the US and Japan, is getting a woman leader, Angela Merkel. I believe that with Hillary and Angela on top, things will change massively for women.

A huge psychological shift is bound to occur in sexist Arabia and Africa, for example -- among both women and men. Sexist attitudes will simply not be viable with two women leading the world. It will be impossible for any man to run down women, or to make women feel or be inferior. And it will be impossible for women not to strive for all they can be, whatever their menfolk might say. There it will be for all to see: two women in charge of America and Europe, and hence, in charge of the world. I don't know what the position of women in China is, but I don't see them represented in the top leadership, and it will change their men for having to deal with the two power women of the West, too.

This is what the world needs most now. This is bigger than American politics. This is world politics; world history. This will be a culmination of the most important struggle on earth ever, the struggle for gender equality and women's rights. And so I hope you will join me in seeing the world-historical importance of getting Hillary elected to become president of the US, and devote your bloggings and conversation and whatever you can muster, to this Biggest of All Political Causes.

Hillary for President: it will change the world for good more than anything else currently attainable. It can happen, it must happen, it will happen. We owe it to half the human race, to all our born and unborn daughters. And you can do your bit. So do it.


At 10/17/2005 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the way you think.

L.L. Bartlett


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