I know you love my body. But now I want you to tell me what you think of my mind. Give me words about it. Let's share actual thoughts. From your mind to my mind. I know, we share a lot, we fuck all the time, because we’re young and horny, but it’s time for thoughts. So let’s talk about my mind. Tell me what you think of it. Describe my mind to me. I want to find out if you know anything about me besides this body you’ve been familiarizing yourself with so thoroughly. Yes, I enjoy your body, too, but start talking in English for a change, instead of your oohs and aahs, and that funny grunting sound you make when you’re about to finish. Talk at great length, in lots of detail. We’re switching subjects now, from body to mind. My mind. What does your mind think about my mind? Tell me everything. I know you’ve got a hard-on, but give it a rest, talk it away. Let’s have some mind time. You can't have my body again until you've said something to me about my mind, OK?
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