Adam Ash

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Painting of bride and groom removed from wedding registry in case it offends gay partners

A painting of a bride and groom has been removed from a register office in case it offends gay couples tying the knot. The wedding scene, and another of Romeo and Juliet, has been ruled unsuitable for single sex civil partnership ceremonies, which start next month. Register Officer Janet Taubman said: "We had two pictures up before. There was a picture of a groom signing the register with a young bride and the other was of Romeo and Juliet on a swing. They were innocent but the new paintings are less likely to offend. We are looking forward to the civil partnerships. People have been waiting a long time."

The old pictures at Liverpool Register Office have been replaced with landscapes while the Wedding Room has been renamed The Ceremony Suite. Liverpool City Council said: "The world's moved on. It's not just weddings any more - that's why it's the Ceremony Suite. This decision wasn't based on the new civil partnerships. They do all kinds of things - citizenship ceremonies, non-religious naming ceremonies and heterosexual partnership ceremonies. The wedding pictures did not reflect any of these. They have been moved to a more prominent position in the reception area."


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