Adam Ash

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

THE SEX REBEL OF JESUSLAND, mini-chapter 100


“The Prosecution will show that the accused, Eve Trent, had no health problems at the time of her pregnancy. There was no possibility that her pregnancy would in any way endanger her health, and be necessary for that reason.

“Why then did the accused go forward with the murder of her unborn child? The prosecution will bring forth witnesses who will make it clear that the accused did this for reasons of selfish ambition, which had nothing to do with any consideration for the life of her unborn child.

“The accused believed that a child would interfere with her career as a therapist for sexual dysfunction. Interfere with her career? What madness is this? It is in fact, no madness, but a clear calculating decision. Here we have cold-blooded murder for self-benefit. The accused was not prepared to sacrifice a bend in the arc of her career to welcome a new life into the world. So she cruelly and selfishly snubbed that life out.

“It was a deed of supreme dastardliness. It was a deed that invites the punishment of God, the stricture of the court, and the disapproval of her fellow Beloveds. It is a deed that invites a verdict of guilty with no extenuating circumstances.

“It is a deed that demands the penalty of death. The accused committed cold-blooded murder. For that she must suffer the supreme penalty. That is what justice means in Jesusland, in the United States Under God, or should I take the liberty to say, the United States Under Christ.

“Let all murderers beware. We know how to punish criminals in the United States Under Christ.”


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