Adam Ash

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Saturday, July 15, 2006



“Brilliant! Brilliant! Wasn’t that defense attorney magnificent? We shot him in clear light. We followed his moves. Didn’t he move brilliantly? Didn’t the camera follow him brilliantly? We cut for movement. Slam bang. Fluid. No shadows. Amazing. And now there is doubt. He has sown doubt. Great stuff. We have new poll numbers, and a third of the viewers are confused. Only forty percent of the viewers were sure she should be put to death after the Defense Attorney spoke. Quite frankly, tomorrow they will change their minds back to the death sentence again, but he sowed doubt. For one moment, he sowed doubt. Did you see the jury? That’s where the doubt hit hardest. And my mole, I saw him take a resolute stand. He is going to fight for her. She will walk free. What a show! Great stuff! Great stuff! We will be able to milk this for the rest of the year.”

“He was brilliant, Ezra. You’re absolutely right. I could feel the atmosphere in the court. She is going to walk free.”

“Never doubt me, Adam. I know how to produce great TV. I’m the best producer in the world. By the way, Scarlet tells me you fucked her in the ass.”


“That’s my hole, Adam. You’re trespassing.”

“She offered it to me.”

“The whore of Babylon.”

“If God told me he’d make me a woman out of one of my ribs, I’d ask him to make me one like Scarlet,” said Adam. “She and I had holy sex.”

“Scarlet as Eve in the Garden of Eden. You as Adam. Good idea, Adam. Great stuff. Would you like to star in a little movie, Adam?”

“What do you mean?”

“I have another business, one I’ll have to sell off quite soon when I get invited to be a Man of the Gospel. But meanwhile it’s an enjoyable hobby. Good money. Would you mind fucking Scarlet on camera?”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“We won’t show your face if it bothers you. Just your body. I’ll put in someone else’s face.”

“What is this? Porn?”

“Yes. Quite frankly, I’m a porn king, Adam.”

“What do you mean, Ezra? Are you out of your mind?”

“You can’t run this country without an enemy, Adam. Sex is our enemy, and porn is its palpable presence.”

“You’ve lost me completely.”

“We can’t keep our nation good if we don’t have a great evil for it to attack. Porn is our evil. I create the evil we need to keep the nation’s hate and fear of sex alive.”


“For our latest porno I’m going to cast Scarlet as Eve and if you agree, you as Adam. We’ll shoot man’s first fuck. A Biblical theme. That’s something people will really hate. Such evil. I can feel the rage that the very idea of such a porn video will create.”

“Ezra, excuse me for essaying sheer confusion, but I can’t get my mind around this.”

“Social engineering, Adam. It’s all part of social engineering. We need a certain controlled amount of real porn out there so we can catch people with it and have their Patriot Boards send them to jail for possession of porn to keep the society strict. You can’t have purity without pollution. It’s like the crime of obesity. We have fatty hamburgers to tempt people, and then we send them to jail when they get obese, so they can go on a prison diet and be healthy again. In the same way we need porn to tempt people sexually. But of course we have to control it, so we make it ourselves. We don’t outsource sin. We keep it under our own hats. We make just enough of it to ensure that enough people stay upset about it, and preach against it, and warn against it, and keep all the devout Beloveds upset about it. We need sinners. We need sin.”

“What does that make you?’


“No, that makes you a sinner.”

“No, it doesn’t. I create the temptation. I make the hamburgers. The people who buy and secretly watch our stuff are the sinners. I create employment for Patriot Units. I create wealth for informers. I keep the nation under control by giving it an outlet.”

“You make filth. You sin.”

“Would you like us to let someone else do it?”

“Why should it be done at all?”

“It’s absolutely necessary. Men need it like they need V-dolls. We have to keep sin alive to create mortification, to create repentance, to make redemption possible. Quite frankly, Adam, you have a lot to learn. You can’t have a religious country if you don’t have artifacts to make them feel ashamed of themselves. I create sin and shame and remorse. That’s how religion works, Adam. Believe me, we’ve got it all figured out.”

“You’re no better than Gay Rectal Revenge. At the end of the day you’re going to go straight to hell for producing porn.”

“No, I constantly repent of this. My conscience is clear. But someone’s got to take the risk. Someone’s got to keep the notion of sin alive. Someone’s got to make the hamburgers. I’m the one who takes the risk. I’m doing something suitably Christian. I take the risk for the entire society. I’m a hero, Adam.”

“You really scare me.”


“Because you have a reason for everything you do.”


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