Adam Ash

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Monday, July 24, 2006



What was God’s purpose in all this? Why had He chosen her as an example of this new law made by men? I must accept this, it is His decision, I must abide, she thought. But she could not. Because one thing she could not ignore. What had happened to her was unfair.

Eve wondered: if all this were God’s doing, why would He leave her with this thought? Unfair! She’d been wronged. Was God this cruel, that He would let her die thinking it was all unfair -- instead of letting her be at peace with some other more serene thought? How could an entire life, hers, dedicated to God and to the Bureau, blessed by an angel, end up in this abjectness -- this feeling of unfairness? Where was God? Did her life not deserve another thought to end on?

Was God Himself too much of a man to be fair? Did he have to add His ire to the oppression of women by all the men in Jesusland? Were they doing His bidding? Did He sit there, up in heaven, watching His men lord it over women with their penises, and let it happen, because that’s what He wanted? Is that why He gave men penises, weapons to stick into women -- and why He gave women vaginas, so they would be the eternal receptacles, the perpetual handmaidens, the time-and-again losers in the fight of love?

If God did this, why? Was it because He was, after all, a man Himself? Did God have a penis, too?


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