Adam Ash

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Monday, August 08, 2005

Cindy Sheehan has Bush by his Presidential balls

It's great to see that the U.S. citizenry can still grab the U.S. leadership firmly by the gonads and give them an embarrassing squeeze. Cindy Sheehan, the mother of slain soldier Casey, is camping outside Bush's Crawford ranch and insists on meeting him face to face to ask him why her son died in Iraq, and to tell him to pull us out of that mess. What a total embarrassment for the President. There in Crawford sits a whole press corps with not much to do, and there stands Cindy, an ongoing story right in front of their noses, and now a staple of the nightly news. She has Bush by the short and curlies, and she's not letting go. The White House has to tread on egg shells here. My prediction: Bush may not have the balls to see her -- she's one feisty dame, and he'll probably come off losing face badly in any encounter with her -- which will mean a victory for her and others who have lost family in Iraq. Another nail in the coffin of the Iraq adventure. Ms. Sheehan must be winning adherents to the anti-war cause by the thousands every day.


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