Adam Ash

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Professor explains how U.S. Army encourages insurgency

Professor Juan Cole, who blogs at, said something interesting on NPR yesterday. He said until the U.S. Army went into Fallujah, destroying two-thirds of the buildings there, to root out terrorists, in retaliation for the four U.S. citizens murdered and strung up there, the insurgency was very confined. After Fallujah, the insurgency spread widely, to former places that had been peaceful before, like Mosul. Professor Cole says our Army, instead of controlling the insurgency, made it go out of control. If you add Fallujah to our random arrests of innocents, and our "killing of everyone's cousins" in a tribal society where such bonds are strong, you have to conclude that it's the actions of our own Army that's made the insurgency flourish.
And now we're behind a hurry-up new constitution, which seems to enshrine Islamic law, and may turn Iraq into a Shiite theocracy. Is this the noble cause our soldiers are dying for? Jeez, can't we do ANYTHING right over there?


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