Adam Ash

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Monday, March 21, 2005

The more countries have nukes, the safer we are

'Kenneth N. Waltz, adjunct professor of political science at Columbia University, doesn't like the phrase nuclear proliferation. ''The term 'proliferation' is a great misnomer,'' he said in a recent interview. ''It refers to things that spread like wildfire. But we've had nuclear military capabilities extant in the world for 50 years and now, even counting North Korea, we only have nine nuclear countries.'' Strictly speaking, then, Waltz is as against the proliferation of nuclear weapons as the next sane human being. After all, he argues, ''most countries don't need them.'' But the eventual acquisition of nuclear weapons by those few countries that see fit to pursue them, that he's for. As he sees it, nuclear weapons prevent wars. ''The only thing a country can do with nuclear weapons is use them for a deterrent,'' Waltz told me. ''And that makes for internal stability, that makes for peace, and that makes for cautious behavior."' More here. If every country in the world had nukes, everybody would be too scared to go to war, and we'd have universal peace. Right?


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